Option A
90 %
Option B
9 %
Showing 54/50 responses
Public    10 Mar 2021
49 Responses to Option A
49 people chose A as their choice
1. i liked the overall default image of 1
3. I like the front view better because it shows more of the actual product. You cant see much on the side view.
4. I prefer the head on view so I can see the shape of the goggles better
5. This view lets me see the front and the side together.
6. I think that that picture gives a better representation of what the product looks like and how it will fit.
7. The front view is a lot better.
9. clear
10. Front view for sure, its just a lot more simplistic and shows off the more important part of the goggles
11. I definitely dig the front view. Looks like it's greeting me properly.
12. The angle is more appealing and just catches my attention better.
13. This allows me to see what the goggles will look like to others and being on my face. I like the full view of the product.
14. I see more of the actual product. Otherwise I just see the band.
15. shows a full view of the goggles
16. This gives a better view of the product itself. I want to know what the product looks like from the front and also what people see when they look at me. The side view focuses on the strap more than the actual goggle lens itself.
17. The angle is more appealing and just catches my attention better.
18. The front view also shows the side of the product so its better to see more of the product.
20. more clear
21. Option 1 gives me a better idea of how it would fit and look on my face because I can see the fully shape of the goggle. 2 just shows a side view and does not allow me to fully evaluate it.
22. I like to see it from the front.
23. It draws more attention to the product.
24. I can more clearly see the sleek design of the goggles and it appears more inviting instead of something you'd just not give a second look at.
25. The first option looks better in my opinion. If I were scrolling fast the reflection off of the mirrored lenses would make me take a second look. Plus, just looking at it you can tell they are goggles. The second choice takes a minute to process. If I am scrolling fast through images I probably would have kept scrolling.
26. because it gives a better overall view of the product
27. This option allows me to see a full frontal profile of the goggles and gives me a better idea of what they will look like on my face.
28. I would always want to see the front of something that Im going to wear on my face so I can picture what it will look like when its on
29. Front view is better. You can see the product more clearly.
30. it looks more pleasing to eye
31. The front view and it's mirrored look show it off better.
32. It gives it a nicer look--the side view is awkward and doesn't really show the product well.
33. The photo is showing its real share and design so well.
34. You can see the full object
35. When I first saw the object, the front view is better.
36. i like it
37. The front view gives a better view of the style of the goggles.
38. It shows more of the main part of the product
39. Front view because you can pretty much see the whole thing
41. It is easier to see the product and is great.
42. It just looks better and I know what it is right away.
44. Definitely the front view, its so much more interesting and I feel like its a got a much better composition in the photo itself
45. Definitely the front view. It's more interesting and shows more detail. The front reflections and color are shown more in detail and it's more engaging than the side view.
46. Very eye catching. They look so much better then in option 2. You can kinda see the "side" at the same time which is also good for the glance.
47. The front view shows the feature (glass part) better.
48. I think this view shows the product more than option 2. You get a better overall view in option 1
49. Since the main purpose of the goggles is to cover both eyes it is better to be able to see the nose bridge so you have a better idea of how it will look on your face. Also, the strap is already visible in the front view and is not the main aspect of the item anyway.
50. Option 1 is easier to see.
51. I feel like a front view generally works best is the "main" picture to display the product and draw interest.
52. 1st option is better as you can see side and front both together in this picture.
53. It is more aesthetically pleasing. That best displays how people will see the google and how I would see it if I look in the mirror.
54. It is more attractive and talks more about the product.
5 Responses to Option B
5 people chose B as their choice
2. This photo is more attractive then other photo
8. clear image and description
19. I think it provides more depth, I can tell more of what im getting.
40. More colorful and eye-catching so that i think this is perfect
43. The photo is well displayed.

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